About MealGo

We love vacation! But let’s be honest: Coming up with fresh kosher meals while you’re away from home can be difficult. It’s hard to find the right ingredients in many vacation spots, and carrying food and cookware along on a trip can be a costly hassle. So we decided to solve this problem with delicious kosher vacation food that goes to you.

MealGo delivers to locations in France, Austria, and Switzerland between August 1 and August 31, 2016, and we can accept orders for this season until July 15, 2016. Our online ordering system couldn’t be simpler. You just tell us where you’re going and when you’ll be there, and then select what you’d like to eat each day from the wide variety of items on our menus. They include three daily meals for weekdays and six for Shabbos and Sunday

Once you’ve placed your order, all you have left to do is work up an appetite. Your meals will be delivered to your door on every other day of your vacation, so that you’ll always have fresh, tasty food. Everything we deliver is certified kosher, Under the supervision of Bedatz Agudes Achim Zurich - Beroshes H’aved Rabbi S. Briesh Shlita. We use only kosher ingredients, and we prepare and package every meal according to Jewish dietary law.

We created MealGo to bring a new level of convenience and culinary options to you when you’re far from home. MealGo takes the hassle out of enjoying kosher meals on vacation, so that you can spend your summer the way it’s meant to be spent—relaxing!

MealGo takes the hassle out of enjoying kosher meals on vacation

Delicious Kosher Vacation Food